Tuesday, January 29, 2008

From Bologna to Bach to Burbank, with Love!

Coro Euridice, Bologna Italy

Thanks Jeremy, for touching upon the Bach Cantatas -- or Lieders, as I got to know them when I first started singing them, many moons ago.
I was still a teenager, in my hometown of Bologna, Italy, when I knocked on the door of the Coro Euridice's headquarters. I was invited to sit and listen to the rehearsal. After a nicely arranged version of Smoke Gets In Your Eyes, I remember the surge of emotion and the inner voice screaming: "I want to be part of this!", as the Coro Euridice shifted into a series of beautiful Bach Lieders. Christ lag in Todes Banden was one of them, and there were many more. Bach was my first introduction to choral music, and also a chance to shatter my preconceived notion that German was a "hard sounding" language. Far from it! I discovered melodious sweetness through Bach and was inspired to start learning it. I should mention that the Coro Euridice was established in 1880 and is still currently directed by the great Pier Paolo Scattolin. Maybe one day the choirs will sing together!

Silvia Pompei

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